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    Mom’s Guide to Preparing for Summer Break Chaos: A Professional Organizer’s

    May 16, 2024

    Home Organization

    Organizing for the summer

    Tips on how to organize and declutter prior to the summer holidays

    Hey there fellow moms!

    As a mom of two and a professional organizer, I know firsthand the chaos that can come with the kids being out of school for the summer. But fear not! With a little bit of planning and organization, we can sail through the summer months with ease and maybe even a bit of sanity intact. So, grab your favorite beverage, take a deep breath, and let’s dive into some tips to prepare for the upcoming summer break!

    1. Start with a Summer Schedule:**

    Before the last bell rings, sit down with your family and create a summer schedule. Include planned activities, camps, vacations, and any other commitments. Having a visual schedule can help everyone stay on the same page and reduce surprises down the road.

    Declutter and Organize:**

    Take advantage of the pre-summer hustle and declutter your home. Go through closets, toy bins, and playrooms, donating or tossing items that are no longer needed. Create designated spaces for summer gear like swimsuits, towels, and outdoor toys to keep everything organized and easily accessible.

    Create Activity Zones:**

    Designate specific areas in your home for different summer activities. Create a craft corner for those rainy days, a reading nook for quiet time, and a backyard play zone for outdoor fun. Having dedicated spaces for different activities can help minimize clutter and maximize enjoyment.

    4. Stock Up on Essentials:**

    Before the school year ends, take stock of your summer essentials and stock up accordingly. Think sunscreen, bug spray, sidewalk chalk, and pool toys. Having everything on hand will save you from last-minute trips to the store and ensure you’re ready for spontaneous summer adventures.

    6. Embrace Flexibility:**

    Last but not least, embrace the chaos and remember to be flexible. Summer break is all about making memories and having fun, so don’t stress over the little things. Embrace the spontaneity and enjoy the extra time with your kiddos.

    With these tips in your back pocket, you’ll be ready to tackle summer break like a pro. Here’s to a summer filled with sunshine, laughter, and plenty of memories!



    Mom and Professional Organizer

    hey there, I'm Angela, Pro Organizer.

    I want to help you eliminate the clutter in your home which is causing you stress!

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